Configuration templates

Configuration settings are stored in configuration templates which are used to create documents. You can use different templates to create documents with different configuration settings or to exchange configuration settings between users. A default template is supplied with new installations of the application.

Configuration templates are managed in the Manage Files workspace:

  1. Click on the Manage Configuration button The Manage Configuration button on the ribbon to open the Manage Configuration Templates dialog (shown below) where you can manage existing templates and create new ones.
  2. Click on the Set Folder button The Set Folder button on the ribbon to open the Set Configuration Template Folder dialog where you can select a folder where configuration templates will be stored.

The Manage Configuration Templates window

The following table explains buttons in the Manage Configuration Templates window.

Button Description
Add Creates a new template and opens the Configuration window where you can specify the settings of the new template (see Configuration settings).
Edit Opens the selected template in the Configuration window for editing.
Rename Opens a pop-up dialog where you can enter a new name for the selected template.
Delete Deletes the selected template from the configuration template folder.
Import Imports a template from a .config file stored on your computer.
Export Saves the selected template as a .config file on your computer.
Show in Folder Opens the configuration template folder where configuration templates are stored.

Also, the Save to Template option is available in the Configuration window (see Configuration settings). It saves the settings of the current document into a template which you can use later to create new documents.

Configuration templates are XML files and can be edited with the help of software development tools such as Microsoft Visual Studio.